Thursday, August 2, 2012

New worksheet... sorry

 So I had promised a new worksheet today, but guess what?? The page I get the words from is not working!! Agh, that means I need to wait until they fix the website or find a new one. Do you any of you know a good site to get words from??

Also tomorrow or tonight I will try to upload a zip file with all the worksheets.

 And if you have any ideas on a new worksheet please let me know in a comment or in our fanpage and I can make it happen! (or at least try)

Keep Practicing!! Good Luck!!

PS Click me for a list of all worksheets!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Level 2 Worksheet~!

Hello friends!!

If you follow me on Facebook you would know that I was very busy moving from my old bedroom to a new one. Anyways I am finally done so as I promised here are the level 2 worksheets to help us write words. This one I divided on to parts because they were a lot of words.

Part 1
Part 2

So here are the worksheets, talk to you guys soon and very soon I hope I can upload level 3.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

New Worksheet :)


Sorry for the delay, I had no electricity for 2 days! That means I couldn't finish the worksheet until today. I only uploaded 1 worksheet, but the level 2 worksheet would most likely be uploaded tomorrow or later on today. It says part 1 because I thought to divide the worksheet in 2 parts, but then I decided to keep them only in 1 part.

This new set of worksheets will let you learn or practice writing words. You can download this new worksheet here

Please remember to comment here or on our facebook page Hangul Worksheet. If you have any ideas or if you have any suggestion please let me know. 

Talk to you soon, good luck and keep practicing!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

English/Korean dictionary

I know I owe you guys some worksheets (I'm working on them), but I have been very busy with my summer job. I really hope I can finish them soon so I can share them with you.

Anyways I was looking online to buy a Korean/English dictionary, but there are so many, and I want a good one. So if any of you has a name of a good English/Korean dictionary please leave a comment below. You would help me and fellow Korean language learners.

I was looking online and I found this Online English/Korean dictionary (Click here to see it) I have no idea if it's accurate or not, but it can be helpful.

If you guys only know extremely basic Korean, I am going to share the exercise they gave me to help improve my Korean skills:

Make a list of at least 10 words in each of this categories:
(a) Food
(b) Clothes
(c) Body parts
(d) Places
(e) Adjectives
(f) Verbs
(g) Nouns
(h) Emotions

The reason is you would be able to build sentences easier, and you can also make conversations. Only pick the most important words, and memorize them. For example: pain (emotion) you can tell someone you are in pain so that is an important word.

I will share my lists with you as soon as I make them! Good Luck on your journey :)

Friday, June 1, 2012



So I know I said yesterday I was going to upload a new worksheet but my internet was so slow, I could never reach any website. So today I finally upload it. You can download the worksheet here. Please leave feedback about the new worksheet here or on facebook so I can make more (From level 1 to 4 I believe) and there will be about 3 worksheets per level. If I don't recieve any feedback whatsoever I will assume you don't like them or they weren't helpful so I won't make more of those kind of worksheets, I will make up new ones until someone likes them.

Remember that the beginners worksheets (to start learning to write) are all in the ALL WORKKSHEETS HERE post.

I hope you like them and here from you soon!
Keep practicing!!

Remember I am not Korean nor do I speak Korean, so if you see any mistakes please let me know, I will fix them. All information I found online.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


This is a sample worksheet to practice our reading and writing. You may download it here. Please let me know you opinions and if you want more. Also if you have any ideas just leave a comment below. I was thinking we can make worksheets to practice numbers and colors and simple things like they do with kids. I think that can help us learn new words better. I am currently in spring break so I can try my best (If my family doesn't distract me) to make them now, if not you have to wait till summer! I hope I have time to do it!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Hi friends!

So I have many new people on the blog and on the fan page. To make it easier for you new friends learning hangul I decided to upload all the worksheets here for easier access. So apparently there are 3 missing worksheets, apparently got lost or something, but I will upload them in the weekend. I only need to upload them, because they are already done. I will upload them on saturday, since I started university today and I already have work. If there are any mistakes PLEASE let me know, I will happily fix them. If you want any other types of worksheets, let me know also I will happily make them. I will try to think of some ideas on my own.  

Set 1: Stoke Order

Set 2:
Combination Worksheets
ㅎCombination ----->

Good Luck and keep practicing your hangul!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

ㅌCombination, ㅍ Combination, ㅎ Combination

Hi friends!

Hey this is the last set of combination worksheets. As always please tell me if they are any mistakes, and I will fix them. Here you go:


This is the last of the Hangul Worksheets. Congragulations! We can now spell any korean word in hangul with ease, since we practice every consonant, vowel and combination in hangul. Please leave a comment with any other worksheet ideas that will help us learn and practice our skills. Ill try to come up with some ideas, and I'll let you know!

 Talk to you soon

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

ㅊ Combination, ㅋ Combination

As promised 2 new worksheets:

ㅊ ----->
ㅋ ----->

As always any mistake or suggestion just leave a comment below :)
Keep practicing!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

ㅈ Combination ㅉ Combinatiom

Happy 2012 friends.
Here are 2 new worksheets. Sorry for the delay, I was very sick. I will make and upload more either today or tomorrow. (Depends if I need to go out).

ㅈ ----->
ㅉ ----->

Read you soon!!